
Better From Here Music is an independent record label based in Ann Arbor, Michigan whose mission is to support independent musicians and songwriters on their journey to create an produce music, as well as develop music-based partnerships with venues, brands, organizations and digital platforms, in a greater effort to support independent artists. We work with magazines, internet content makers, podcasts and other entertainment companies that are looking quality independent musical content. We develop and nurture artists in areas of musicianship, songwriting, artistry and  performance, as well as give guidance in the 4 "Ps" of Better From Here Music:

  • practicing (artist development)
  • publishing
  • production 
  • promotion. 


No matter how talented you are, a solid work ethic is important in any profession. Practicing is key way for any artist or musician to get better. Practicing can mean listening to music, it can mean learning or practicing it. It can also mean going to shows or studying at a college level. Practicing is key to taking one's music from an amateur status to a professional one. It is also important for many artists to dabble and be exposed to many different styles to be competitive professionally, aka be on one's "A" game and have various musical and professional-like experiences to get better and stay sharp, like in most professions. Practicing looks different to every artist and their specialization, to some it is writing, to others it is performing, but getting one's feet wet in a disciplined, unpaid capacity will improve what an artist has going on 90 percent of the time and is therefore one of the important for "P" Pillars of Better From Here Music.


Publishing is a little more straightforward. This is the branch of Better From Here Music that talks about songwriting and copyright ownership. Some artists write all of their own material, while others work best in a co-write. Better From Here Music has its own publishing and offers a range of services from licensing its music or placing songs in TV, radio programs or streamable content that can earn royalties for publishers and writers. Better From Here Music hosts songwriting events that offer free resources to songwriters and offers many services related to songwriting, please see the services page for more information.


Production is an important aspect for the careers of many artists because in todays busy world of technology and overstimulation it can often be the thing that enables an artist to stand out. That said, Better From Here Music believes that real quality originates in not just the superficial production of aesthetic sound and beats like you may hear in many commercials and podcasts, but in the pre-production of thoughts, ideas and songwriting. BFHMS takes a pre-pro-post production standpoint that generously develops artists, songs and other projects ideas, carrying them through each phase.


The final "P" is the last and final pillar of Better From Here Music. It is related to the promotion and distribution of music.

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